Complying with norms: The authorities want employing companies to actively comply with the Canadian visa norms. All the documentation must be located in facts and depict the true scenario. At Canus World, we help you figure out the right approach to realise this.
Transferable job: The job must be a transferable one so that it gains credibility that the transfer is temporary.
Role of high skill: Such jobs which are considered for transferring must be unique and cater high end talent or skills which are difficult to find in Canada. At Canus World, we give you the complete picture so that you make right decisions at the right time.
Role of an active position: The transferring job must satisfy the role of a prominent position in the company without which the company cannot function with efficiency.
Stay must be temporary: The stated stay in Canada must be temporary so that the intent of the visa stays true. When one gets the best immigration solution a call away, little can go wrong!