Super Visa – Parents and Grandparents

Super Visa – Parents and Grandparents

Canada fulfills dreams, and within those dreams there is a sensitive understanding that your loved ones form your little universe! To accomplish this very promise, the Super Visa has been designed with sheer care! Super Visa allows your parents and grandparents visit you within the arrangement of a multiple entry visa format. At Canus World, it goes unsaid, that how much we value you and your personal commitments! Acknowledging the same affection, experience the best super visa solution based in Edmonton, Canada.

Both ‘Parents or Grandparents’ and the inviting ‘Children or Grandchildren’ have specific eligibility requirements which need to be fulfilled for applying for a Super Visa:

Benefits of a Super Visa:

Open travel: Super Visa allows you to travel across the country. The Visa has been carefully crafted to help you and your family enjoy a wholesome experience of Canada. At Canus World, we provide expedient services so that you get the best immigration experience based in Edmonton, Canada.

Secured Stay:  Super Visa allows a secured stay which mainly helps your family to enjoy a stable living experience in Canada.

Multiple entry Visa: It is different from the normal visitor visa or any visitor visa. Super visa has been intricately designed to help your family have a secure future in Canada.

Trust of care: At Canus World, just as the care of Super visa, we guarantee a wholesome experience which is devoted to a noble cause which is to serve you to the best of your interests.

This income can be proved through:

Eligibility for Super Visa:

Necessity of an invitee: For a Super Visa, it is quite essential that the invitee must be a permanent resident of Canada or Canadian resident. At Canus World, we provide genuine information regarding all the basic documentation required therein.

Financial Backing: Each candidate opting for a Super Visa, must have a genuine financial backing in order to stay secure from any state of emergency. 

LOI: A letter of invitation is a formal document which entails a proclamation that a permanent resident or a Canadian citizen has backed your Super Visa.

Medical Examination: Medical examination is a requisite that comes as an eligibility criteria to must be fulfilled in advance.

Importance of medical insurance: All Super Visa holders must have a medical insurance to cover their basic or emergency medical needs.

Valid Documents: At Canus World Immigration, we provide esteemed immigration solutions to cater to your need in a clear and an absolute way, thus you find a one stop solution to observe the best immigration experience based in Edmonton, Canada.

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