Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)

Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)

The department of Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), assesses whether a Canadian employer is in need of hiring a high skilled foreign worker when all options for hiring a Permanent Citizen or Canadian citizen have been taken in due consideration. At Canus World, we help you in certain terms to help you experience the best immigration experience based in Edmonton, Canada.

Processing Fee: The application processing required payment of fee in order to initiate the procedure. At Canus World, we help you understand the insights of the process in a deeper detailed so that you can gain edge over others.

Language proficiency: Language proficiency is essential. Amongst the listed languages of English and French, candidates must pursue an active job ready language that will help them tremendously. Experience what the best immigration experience based in Edmonton, Canada can offer you a call away!

Financial support: Candidates must also have a firm financial backing to support themselves. This may also come in the form of a stable salary from the job they plan to join in Canada. Supporting ones family is a must and the Employment and Social Development Canada department takes into account this detail.

Role of Skill: Higher skills increase the chances to gain a positive labour market impact assessment by the Employment and Social Development Canada department. At Canus World, we cater you to the core since we realise that only a one stop solution could render the best immigration experience based in Edmonton, Canada.

Approval from ESDC: Once the formal process comes into play, the Employment and Social Development Canada department issues a positive labour market impact assessment. Based on a number of standards the assessment is made. Thus, here getting the help of a professional experience like Canus World becomes impactful.

Valid documentation: At Canus World, we help you analyse and select the right documents to make your chances of obtaining a positive labour market impact assessment maximum. Choose the best immigration experience based in Edmonton, Canada, since its not everyday when the Canadian dream gives a calling!

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