Self-Employed Canada Program

Self-Employed Canada Program has especially been designed for individuals who come from cultural or athletic occupations and intent to contribute towards Canadian ethos! At Canus World, we delve deep to maximize your chances of realizing what does experiencing the best immigration solution looks like!

Benefits of Self-Employed Canada Program:

Longer stay: The Self-Employed Canada Program, allows a more lasting stay in Canada, which goes for 2 years! Also, you observe immense prospects for personal growth that help you out to figure in self-development. Canus World, aims to provide you with the best information so that you make the right decision for a promising tomorrow.

Scope for growth: Canada harbors growth prospects like no other country therein. At Canus World, we aim that you choose the right options at the right time so that a better tomorrow is not a distant dream anymore!

Polishing career prospects: It goes unsaid how lucrative can your career get once you opt for the best immigration solution based in Edmonton, Canada. Besides Canus World Immigration Solutions focuses upon delivering the bond of trust in no uncertain terms.

Exposure to Canadian Culture: Canada is versatile not only in terms of cultural upbringing but also in arts, architecture, value system, etc. Experience the best immigration solution based in Edmonton, Canada just a call away.


Language prerequisite:  There are three levels of language ability and proficiency within which one needs to have a sound understanding of. At Canus World, we help you configure the right approach to ease out your application process.

Belonging to category: Individuals opting for the Self-Employed Canada Program, need to belong from certain cultural and athletic backgrounds. At Canus World, we tell you in genuine terms whether you belong to one or not.

Scoring points: Based on the criteria of backgrounds and educational level, the authority lists out ranking for each individual. Canus World, helps you to estimate your score and provides insights how to increase it.

Fair intent of stay: One of the basic requirements come as a fair sense of stay with an objective to make difference in Canada. 

Application processing fees: At Canus World, experiencing the best immigration solution based in Edmonton, Canada, is just not said but is realized each passing day. We help you sort out, assess and configure your application documents, so that you case for Self-Employed Canada Program stays stronger than ever!

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